It has been awhile

 I'd like to start off with Happy Thursday but it doesn't feel so happy for me. After finding out we are pregnant after so so long of trying to a baby and treatments and not trying and trying again this pregnancy hasn't been great. I'm enjoying it but it is becoming harder on my body and between work and school I'm having trouble keeping track of important medicine. I decided that it is best for me to leave work. It was a decision that I had to think long and hard about because I love what I do and I worry about being home all the time I can't stand being at home. I had a 24 hour stomach bug last Friday that completely wiped me out the entire weekend and I felt extremely weak because of it. Things like this can set me back especially in work. I also have a regimen for taking my iron supplement so that it doesn't create overbearing nausea as other medicines have done. I wake up at 7am I eat by 7:30 and I take iron 9:40 and then I'm not able to eat anything with certain vitamins or iron in it until 2 hours later to prevent nausea so I don't eat until 11:40. By that time I'm at work so I had to start getting fast food on the way to work and eating in the classroom at work. Then since I'm part time I only get a paid 15 min break and that isn't enough time for me to eat a snack and chew my prenatal gummies with my TMJ issues. I started to take them in the evening but working those 6 hours has me exhausted and all I want to do when I come home is eat and sleep I struggled to keep track of taking gummies at night. All of this combined I figured it is better if I leave work to focus on my pregnancy and make sure that I'm doing everything I can do to continue having a healthy pregnancy. 

    After putting in my two weeks for work I asked twice if it would be okay to take an hour break because I needed to eat more than just snack food and I have TMJ issues that require me to take longer to chew my vitamins. It was okay at first.. but then I was told yesterday by my boss that I have to make up those hours and she is sorry she told me it was okay but she should have double checked first. I'm now required to work my 6 hours with no hour break. If I want an hour break I need to work 7 hours so I would need to go into work at 10:30 instead of 11:30. I also have to make up these 2 hours of the break time I've used this week which I'm not sure how I'll do because that would require me to be at work for 7 hours straight 2 days in a row. I was basically given two options to either come in at 10:30 to receive my hour break and be able to take the hour break for what I need or if that is too much then I can push my 2 week leave up further but doing that somehow won't look bad on me according to my boss. I find it super frustrating and weird how after everything I've ever done for them they can't be just a bit flexible during my last 2 weeks. I've decided it might be best to just move my date up sooner than I wanted and to try to suffer through the next week but I'm still going to contact HR and make sure that is possible and if I'd be rehirable to them if I did do that suggestion from my boss. 

It is an awful annoying and upsetting situation to be in with my work which is why I feel today isn't a happy Thursday for me. 

1 comment

  1. (((((((hugs)))))) sorry things are so rough right now sweetie, hope it gets better.


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