Relaxing, busy weekend and life update

Hey everyone!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and are getting ready for Monday and the work week. It feels like the days go by faster and faster to me. I sometimes feel like I don't have enough time in the world to do anything. With my courses starting tomorrow I really feel like I'm going to be time crunching. I need to learn how to value my time more and I did not really do much of that today. I sat around for maybe an hour or so which is nice of course. However, not nice when you have a pile of chores to do, get ready for the next week, grocery shopping, and wanting to include time with my husband. I finally finished all my chores and online shopping I wanted to get done. I wanted to share with you guys something that I purchased online. It is a fruits and greens supplement from Strong Physiquez. I found it through someone I follow on Instagram and I really liked that the supplement has prebiotics and probiotics as well as nutrients from fruits and veggies. I don't know if I'll like the taste of it but it has really good reviews so I will update you guys on that once it comes in. 
Anyone a neat or cleaning freak? Or love to clean in general?
I know I know, it seems like I'm just trying to promote a lot of products here, but I promise you I'm not. I'm genuinely sharing with you guys stuff that I've found that work for me and that I love. 
I've never used this Mrs. Meyers product before. I have seen it at Target all the time but needed a different cleaning item for the kitchen or bathroom counters. The scent for the one I got is honeysuckle and it is AMAZING! I think it cleans pretty well and the scent stays on the counter tops and cleans it too. I thought I'd share this with you guys and if you are following my blog Instagram I'm going to post about the 1 canoe 2 shop that I love so much and their new collection launch (which launched earlier today) YAY! it is also amazing! 
Anyways, I hope you all have a great first Monday of the new week. 

1 comment

  1. How did that work for you? None of the stores around here have it. I love Spic and Span, that works good too.


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