TV Show Discussion: Mayans M.C.

Hi Ya'll
This is the first blog post for the TV show discussion posts I'll be doing. I'm really excited about this because it gives me an opportunity to discuss my opinions on the different shows I watch as well as talk with fellow followers about the show. First of all I never thought I would like the Mayans M.C. so much given that it is a spin off of Sons of Anarchy and I never thought my husband would enjoy it as much either since he's never seen SOA (making him watch the seasons currently). Next I'd like to say that I'm pretty surprised at the first two seasons. I originally liked Emily but the more it got into her character sometimes I find her pretty annoying. I thought I'd warm up to her eventually since she does become apart of Miguels "business" but I just don't like her that much. I feel like Miguel takes advantage of her a lot, puts her down, and doesn't think she knows how to do things. Maybe that is why I'm struggling to understand this character I'm just like why are you with this guy? He treats you so bad and EZ would take care of you! Ah! Anyways, I'm not surprised that the brothers mother's death ended up being sorta in a gang related incident or someone involved in Miguels family. I am surprised that it was Happy who killed her which I know is because he was contracted to but STILL. SO SHOCKING! I don't really have much else to say other than I'm interested to see what happens for the Mayans since it ended on a huge payback on the Vatos Malditos. I'm happy EZ finally became a full on patch member because it was getting pretty old waiting and waiting each episode that went by to see if he finally made it in. I mean he sacrificed a lot even though he was originally there just to gain intel on the cartel for his plea deal.  I'm looking forward to season 3! 
I'm sure it might be weird to some of my followers that I have a wide variety of interests, but that is okay. You follow my blog for a reason and I feel like I offer quite a lot of content for EVERYONE! I like to say I'm a Jack of All Trades because I can have interests in lots of things that others might not realize. 
I hope you all enjoyed this first TV show discussion. Be on the lookout for the next one (undecided which show but I'm sure it will be interesting either way). 


  1. Yes but did you catch the part where Mama told Ez dad that Miquel is his son? I dont like Emily much either. Yeah S3 is going to be interesting.

  2. New Blog


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