Update on Things

Hey Everyone!
I know it has been quite a bit since I've been on here to update or blog about fun stuff. Since my college courses started I have been trying to balance work, school, and relationships. It has been pretty tough for me to find that balance and the last thing I wanted to do was add anymore stress to having to post on my blog. I needed a few weeks to find the balance and I think I somewhat have it figured out, but of course it is not 100%. I have been trying to manage my stress levels because that tends to cause me to eat a lot more sweet things than I typically would and it ruins all the work I've put in to losing 50lbs down if I don't keep up with my habits. 
What do you all do for stress? I am struggling here lately. I've even gotten some magazines that focus more on mindfulness and relaxation tips and I don't know if I find it helpful yet. I also feel like my time management skills have drastically changed as I feel so overwhelmed by all the things I want to do but I don't have enough time for them. I'm very much looking forward to this Spring Break that I have off for a week. I think it will be good for me to relax and hopefully have time to do all the things I want to do that I haven't had any time for. I may or may not be able to blog later this evening and I really am hoping to have a post up for you all this evening but one thing I've learned these past few weeks is to not stress out so much about doing something I will get to it when I can. That is unless I have a deadline and it has to get done by a certain time. 
Upcoming topic discussion:
  • Counseling/Self/Relationship and how it all relates to me

1 comment

  1. Just do what you can sweetie and dont worry about the rest of us, Blogland isnt going anywhere lol. I find the things that help me most is taking a walk, listening to music,


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