It has been awhile

 I'd like to start off with Happy Thursday but it doesn't feel so happy for me. After finding out we are pregnant after so so long of trying to a baby and treatments and not trying and trying again this pregnancy hasn't been great. I'm enjoying it but it is becoming harder on my body and between work and school I'm having trouble keeping track of important medicine. I decided that it is best for me to leave work. It was a decision that I had to think long and hard about because I love what I do and I worry about being home all the time I can't stand being at home. I had a 24 hour stomach bug last Friday that completely wiped me out the entire weekend and I felt extremely weak because of it. Things like this can set me back especially in work. I also have a regimen for taking my iron supplement so that it doesn't create overbearing nausea as other medicines have done. I wake up at 7am I eat by 7:30 and I take iron 9:40 and then I'm not able to eat anything with certain vitamins or iron in it until 2 hours later to prevent nausea so I don't eat until 11:40. By that time I'm at work so I had to start getting fast food on the way to work and eating in the classroom at work. Then since I'm part time I only get a paid 15 min break and that isn't enough time for me to eat a snack and chew my prenatal gummies with my TMJ issues. I started to take them in the evening but working those 6 hours has me exhausted and all I want to do when I come home is eat and sleep I struggled to keep track of taking gummies at night. All of this combined I figured it is better if I leave work to focus on my pregnancy and make sure that I'm doing everything I can do to continue having a healthy pregnancy. 

    After putting in my two weeks for work I asked twice if it would be okay to take an hour break because I needed to eat more than just snack food and I have TMJ issues that require me to take longer to chew my vitamins. It was okay at first.. but then I was told yesterday by my boss that I have to make up those hours and she is sorry she told me it was okay but she should have double checked first. I'm now required to work my 6 hours with no hour break. If I want an hour break I need to work 7 hours so I would need to go into work at 10:30 instead of 11:30. I also have to make up these 2 hours of the break time I've used this week which I'm not sure how I'll do because that would require me to be at work for 7 hours straight 2 days in a row. I was basically given two options to either come in at 10:30 to receive my hour break and be able to take the hour break for what I need or if that is too much then I can push my 2 week leave up further but doing that somehow won't look bad on me according to my boss. I find it super frustrating and weird how after everything I've ever done for them they can't be just a bit flexible during my last 2 weeks. I've decided it might be best to just move my date up sooner than I wanted and to try to suffer through the next week but I'm still going to contact HR and make sure that is possible and if I'd be rehirable to them if I did do that suggestion from my boss. 

It is an awful annoying and upsetting situation to be in with my work which is why I feel today isn't a happy Thursday for me. 

Keeping Hope

Hey Everyone!

It has been a long while since I last posted. I thought that I would be able to keep on top of this blogging with my summer courses but it is looking like quite a bit of summer work so I will not be as active here throughout the summer most likely. I will start to share in the upcoming few weeks my monthly summer class planner spread and an hourly spread to help me better utilize my time and life. Until then, today's post is a little different. It isn't a good one... it is one that I never thought to imagine would be happening to me. This morning I woke up to my husband telling me our oldest cat of 12 years was crying really badly after going in the litter box. I watched her after I woke up and witnessed the immense pain she was in.. the crying was unlike anything I've heard from her before and I instantly knew that something wasn't right but we did not know what was going on. We couldn't tell if she was constipated or if she was struggling to urinate. At one point after she used the litter box I witnessed her throwing up, gagging, and crying in pain. My husband witnessed it the next time so within a span of 2 hours she had 3 total episodes of whatever was going on. I sat with her on the couch petting her for a little while but she got down crying in pain so after that episode I took her to an extra soft chair with a blanket in our office so I could do school work. I sit trying to read a textbook for one of my courses and she consistently will get up a bit to look at me and cry like I've never seen her do before. I had already scheduled a vet appointment as soon as I got up but after that hour I called back to be advised to take her to an emergency vet center since she is in a lot of pain. What could we do? We only have a certain amount of money, some to pay bills for this month, and a small amount in a credit card that can be used for cat or other emergencies but it wasn't enough to go to an emergency hospital those things cost a fortune. I did not want to wait until 3:30pm to go to her vet and she not make it because she died I don't know whats going on with her it could be something serious. So luckily one of my brother's sent me the money and I wasn't expecting it at all and when I got the notification.... I cried. I cried so bad because I was so thankful that we could take her and not have to wait so many hours to figure out what was going on or even risk her dying before we could find out something. 

We got right in the car. We waited 30 minutes after being checked in to be told she needed blood work and a urinalysis. We said okay. 2 hours later the vet calls us to tell us that Betsy my baby she has 3 diseases.. She has a urinary tract infection, pancreatitis, and high liver enzymes so high the vet's machine couldn't calibrate an exact number. Their number one treatment option was to admit her for 24 hours, but the cost of that was ridiculously high more higher than I expected and we only planned for a certain amount; the amount we already had on a credit card, my brothers money and that is all. We discussed the outpatient treatment option but we knew that it wouldn't be an option because it is unlikely she will take her medication with us as she has struggled to in the past and the vet also said she may not get better with just outpatient and number one recommendation was the 24 hr admission. We sit in the car to apply for another credit card and wait as the little circle beams to the application submission and I just keep repeating.. Please God Please God, PLEASE! and we were approved and I couldn't even believe my eyes for the amount we need a little extra too! I am so lucky we are so lucky, to be able to give my baby girl a fighting chance to get better with all that she has going on. and now I just continue to pray that she survives this and she comes home to us. The whirlwind of emotions this morning was extremely intense.. and I still feel it because we are basically in limbo we don't know what is going to happen or if she will get better but the only thing we can do is pray, and hope and be thankful that at least she gets the chance and she is getting the round the clock care that she needs. I wish I could be there with her and give her lots of love, kisses, and pets.. My poor baby..

The New Normal

Hey everyone!
I've been a little MIA because I've had a lot going on. I did not want to discuss a lot of the pandemic going on because it can be kind of overbearing to constantly read it on social media. How has everyone held up during this time? I've struggled personally from being out of work since Spring Break in March and we are not going back until fall HOPEFULLY I am praying that we do but I am guessing it is all still uncertain at this time. I had planned to have a summer job or internship. However, I decided not to as I did not want to expose myself to COVID 19 given that I've had a history of asthma. I made the decision to try to get done with school faster. I've never taken summer courses before so I'm a little nervous about it and how the course load is compared to a 16 week course, but taking summer classes this summer and next summer helps me so that I can graduate in the fall of 2021 with my Bachelors in Psychology. 

During this whole pandemic a lot has happened. I've had highs and I've had lows. I've been bored, tired, and unmotivated. I ended up overeating quite a bit and gained 6lbs because of it. I did not ever think that I would be back where I was at trying to get past a certain weight. I have to remind myself that it is all about control. I can control it I've seen my weight disappear when I take better care of myself by eating within my calorie limit, watching my carb intake as well, drinking enough water and no caffeine but once in blue moon. I have to get that control back which I think I'll be able to do, but I definitely understand how hard it is to lose the weight I can remember how hard it was when I first started my weight loss journey and how difficult it was for me to cut out Dr. Pepper, sweet stuff, big portions, high carb items, etc. If you are in the same boat I understand, and it is okay if you have a day where its not good and you overeat as long as you continue to work on it the next day and days after I think it will be fine. It takes a lot to form a habit. 

What have you all been up to since this stay at home order and pandemic happened? I've learned a lot of new crafts I'm not sure if I want to post about. I learned about how to Coptic stitch a DIY sketchbook myself and make a cute scrapbook cover with it too. I struggled reading blogs about this technique because I learn more visually with things I have to be very specific about so I ended up watching a Youtube video multiple times and them step by step as I was doing it. There are so many steps involved I feel it would possibly be overwhelming to post about it, but I will definitely share with you guys in another post my finished product and link the Youtube videos I watched. I've been trying to read my books, but I haven't gotten too much into them I will read a little bit but I haven't picked them back up yet. I guess my mindset is that I have enough TIME so I will get to it when I can. I've mainly watched a few TV Shows that I can make a post about for you guys, and gone on walks with my husband, finished up the Spring semester for school, hand sewing fabric masks, and completed some work video training. 

Be on the look out this week for my next few posts. 
Be safe and healthy!

DIY Scrapbook Journal Cover

Hey everyone! 
Today I'm going to show you step by step on how I created my very own 1 canoe 2 scrapbook journal cover. As you all know already that I'm absolutely obsessed with their line of goodies, and unfortunately they don't currently have a 8x11 sketchbook so I had to get creative. I did a lot of research on how I wanted mine to look and decided that I did not want to be overly complicated. Check it out below. 😃
  • Hardcover sketchbook from Walmart
  • 4 sheets of the 1 canoe 2 craft paper called Willow Flourish from JoAnns (These are double sided prints which we use both sides for in this DIY)
  • Mod Podge
  • 2x Paintbrushes
  • Hazelnut Waverly Chalk Paint
  • Sanding block/Paper (Your preference)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • File folder clips
  • Scotch double sided tape

Good Morning Wednesday!

Good Morning!
It has been awhile since I've posted. I had a good routine going, but I'm not sure what happened to it. I'm hoping I can continue to be consistent in my posts no matter what they are. There is a lot going on in the world today regarding COVID-19 and I'm sure everyone is reading or watching news in regards to this situation. I'm not going to post too much in relation to it as I don't want misinformation to be spread about as I am sure there already is a ton of that going around. I just wanted to talk to you all today and see how are you all are doing? I don't know if anyone is still around reading my blog and I'm hoping that if you are being quarantined right now, doing social-distancing, etc. that maybe my blog can be a light of happiness or joy for you during this time. I made a pretty cool DIY the other day so I'm excited to share that all with you later. 
What are you up to today? I am going to read a book and have been enjoying playing sims 4. 

I did it! One of my 2020 goals completed

I finally did it!
I got a car and I got my license all in the span of about 2 weeks. I got a car before my next refresher course with a driving school, and then after that session two days later I took my road test with them and I PASSED IT!!! 😃💁
The next day I went to the DPS office and got my license, FINALLY! I've been driving since then and it has only been a few days. I also went to do my errands yesterday without my husband and some shopping as well. It was so much fun and it has opened up so many opportunities for me for summer work, life, friends, and freedom for me and my husband. I wanted to give this quote to you all today to remind you all that no matter what goal you are trying to complete this year don't ever give up and always believe in yourself because you got this. It took me so long to lose the weight that I've lost so far and to get a car and my license. I have had to get out of my comfort zone with driving more than I ever thought. I have a lot of fear and anxiety associated with driving but one thing that I stick with every single time is I PRAY. I pray that I get to point A and point B, I pray that nothing happens to me on my drive, and I pray that I'm safe, and I'm not distracted by anything and that I am aware of what is around me at all times. This helps me remain calm and gets me in a head space where I feel safe and comforted. I don't go to church and haven't since I was younger. I am a believer that there is a God, and I don't have specific on that just that I do believe and one thing I've learned since I was younger is that any time was feeling afraid or had anxiety I would make sure to pray. It always eased my mind, and sometimes I got lost and sometimes I wouldn't believe because so many bad things happened and have happened to me lately that I always wondered, why me? you know? why would a God of any type want me to feel this much pain or ever endure or go through the things I've gone through? That is another blog story and deep thought writing for another time. For now, I want you all to take this journey of goal completion with me. I have so many other goals to accomplish this year and I hope they all come true.

How I Organize my Craft or Office Supplies

Welcome back!
Today I'm showing you how I organized all my craft or office supplies. I originally had everything in a previous post on how I made a blue re-purposed storage bin, but I couldn't find any bins to fit exactly in the storage drawers. I couldn't utilize the space I wanted and so I had some things in that storage dresser and other things in a bin in the closet. It is such a pain to have to go through different bins and not know what you need. 
I decided to buy a few things because I simply couldn't make it work with what I have. If you want to shop on a budget I am not sure this post is for you, but if you have ideas or you have tried something similar on a budget please let me know I'm all about saving my money and not spending an arm and a leg. Read along to find out how I organized all my supplies!

Step 1✔: I needed to find a storage holder so I found this black tiered one at Ikea. Along with the stackable and open white bins that you see pictured above. 
Step 2✔: Sort your bins according to how you see fit. I need things in a specific spot to make it easier on my when I'm doing crafts or looking for certain office supplies. I used Word and my fancy font I bought from Etsy to make my labels. 
Step 3✔: Once I typed out my words and adjusted them to my size level I used my Scotch label maker from Walmart to laminate all the words. I did not do this individually I made sure to have all the words on one piece of paper, laminate, and then finalize it by cutting the words out how you like.
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